11Dec 11, 2014
As a ‘pioneer’ residential development in a fringe location characterised by large, single-use institutional buildings and council depots, this seven storey mixed-use project on the site of a derelict pub demonstrates the value of contemporary design as a catalyst to wider regeneration and investment in the surrounding area. The building has commercial units on the [...]
12Apr 2, 2014
This bold mixed-use development has transformed a brownfield site in South London, providing 202 new homes and a series of vibrant new work spaces, grouped around a central courtyard. The block layout is reminiscent of the surrounding urban pattern with its Victorian live/work units and associated inner-block courtyards. A four storey terrace along Crampton Street [...]
13Apr 2, 2014
The conversion of this nineteenth century Grade II listed cotton mill into a rich mix of 44 apartments has concentrated on retaining the beauty of the existing building; to allow the character of the cast iron columns, the brick jack arches, the various scars and interventions representing the accretion of history and use, to play [...]
14Apr 2, 2014
The design concept at the root of this project was the desire to achieve maximum diversity and expression of character within a single building. Pattern House, with its interlocking apartments, is an exploration of the relationship between repetition and variety. The design offers a wide range of apartment types repeated within a three dimensional spatial [...]
15Apr 2, 2014
This ambitious mixed-use scheme for 120 new homes and 3500m2 of flexible retail space was driven by the need to set a high standard for the first stage of a wider regeneration initiative in central Chatham. The design makes a virtue of the site’s steep topography and diverse perimeter conditions to achieve smaller scale family [...]
16Apr 2, 2014
Situated on the Wenlock Basin and directly adjacent to Regent’s Canal in London, this proposal aims to secure the long term viability of a nineteenth century listed building complex through an extensive refurbishment program and the addition of a new five-storey extension, comprising seven luxury apartments, a new gallery space and a café. A new [...]
17Apr 2, 2014
This vision for the Gallions Quarter, a strategic brownfield site within the LDA’s Royal Albert Basin Masterplan, focussed on three key placemaking principles: 1) The smart urban block; 2) Interlinked public spaces, and; 3) Towers as ‘beacons’. The design was developed in collaboration with Alison Brooks Architects and explored the complex problem of balancing diversity [...]